Simplify Routing in Laravel with Laravel Folio Package

If you're a developer working with Laravel applications, you know how important it is to handle routing efficiently. The good news is that there's a powerful solution to simplify routing in Laravel—Laravel Folio! In this blog post, we'll introduce you to this amazing package and show you how easy it is to work with it.


Laravel Folio is a page-based router specifically designed to streamline routing in Laravel applications. With this package, generating a route becomes as effortless as creating a Blade template within your application's resources/views/pages directory.

For instance, let's say you want to create a page accessible at /greeting. You can achieve this by simply creating a greeting.blade.php file in your application's resources/views/pages directory:

    Hello World


Getting started with Folio is a breeze. You can install it into your project using the Composer package manager:

composer require laravel/folio:^1.0@beta

Once installed, execute the folio:install Artisan command, which will register Folio's service provider into your application and set up the directory where Folio will search for routes/pages:

php artisan folio:install

Creating Routes

Creating a Folio route is simple. Just place a Blade template in any of your Folio-mounted directories. By default, Folio mounts the resources/views/pages directory, but you can customize these directories in your Folio service provider's boot method.

Once you've placed a Blade template in a Folio-mounted directory, you can immediately access it via your browser. For example, if you place a page in pages/schedule.blade.php, you can access it in your browser at

Nested Routes

If you need to create a nested route, you can do so by creating one or more directories within one of Folio's directories. For example, to create a page accessible via /user/profile, create a profile.blade.php template within the pages/user directory:

php artisan make:folio user/profile

# pages/user/profile.blade.php → /user/profile

Index Routes

Sometimes, you may want to make a page the "index" of a directory. By placing an index.blade.php template within a Folio directory, any requests to the root of that directory will be routed to that page:

php artisan make:folio index
# pages/index.blade.php → /

php artisan make:folio users/index
# pages/users/index.blade.php → /users

Route Parameters

Often, you'll need to have segments of the incoming request's URL injected into your page so you can interact with them. To achieve this, you can encapsulate a segment of the page's filename in square brackets:

php artisan make:folio "users/[id]"

# pages/users/[id].blade.php → /users/1

Captured segments can be accessed as variables within your Blade template:

    User {{ $id }}

To capture multiple segments, you can prefix the encapsulated segment with three dots ...:

php artisan make:folio "user/[...ids]"

# pages/users/[...ids].blade.php → /users/1/2/3

When capturing multiple segments, the captured segments will be injected into the page as an array:

    @foreach ($ids as $id)
        <li>User {{ $id }}</li>

Route Model Binding

If a wildcard segment of your page template's filename corresponds to one of your application's Eloquent models, Folio will automatically take advantage of Laravel's route model binding capabilities and attempt to inject the resolved model instance into your page:

php artisan make:folio "user/[User]"

# pages/users/[User].blade.php → /users/1

Captured models can be accessed as variables within your Blade template. The model's variable name will be converted to "camel case":

    User {{ $user->id }}

Customizing The Key

You can also customize the key used for resolving Eloquent models. Simply specify the column in the page's filename. For example, a page with the filename [Post:slug].blade.php will attempt to resolve the bound model via the slug column instead of the id column.

Model Location

By default, Folio searches for your model within your application's app/Models directory. However, you can specify the fully-qualified model class name in your template's filename if needed:

php artisan make:folio "user/[.App.Models.User]"

# pages/users/[.App.Models.User].blade.php → /users/1

Soft Deleted Models

By default, soft-deleted models are not retrieved when resolving implicit model bindings. However, if you wish, you can instruct Folio to retrieve soft-deleted models by invoking the withTrashed function within the page's template:


use function Laravel\Folio\{withTrashed};



    User {{ $user->id }}


Applying middleware to a specific page is straightforward. Simply invoke the middleware function within the page's template:


use function Laravel\Folio\{middleware};




Alternatively, you can assign middleware to a group of pages by providing the middleware argument when invoking the Folio::route method.

You can specify which pages the middleware should be applied to by keying the array of middleware using the corresponding URL patterns of the pages they should be applied to. The * character can be used as a wildcard:

use Laravel\Folio\Folio;

Folio::route(resource_path('views/pages'), middleware: [
    'chirps/*' => [
        // ...

You may also include closures in the array of middleware to define inline, anonymous middleware:

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Laravel\Folio\Folio;

Folio::route(resource_path('views/pages'), middleware: [
    'chirps/*' => [

        function (Request $request, Closure $next) {
            // ...

            return $next($request);

PHP Blocks

When using Folio, the <?php and ?> tags are reserved for Folio's page definition functions such as middleware and withTrashed.

Therefore, if you need to write PHP code that should be executed within your Blade template, use the @php Blade directive:

    if (! Auth::user()->can('view-posts', $user)) {


posts = $user->posts;

@foreach ($posts as $post)
        {{ $post->title }}

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