Why are Companies Choosing Single Page Applications (SPAs) for Their Enterprise Applications?
With several digital giants going for single page applications (SPAs) instead of multiple static pages, you must be wondering what special does this thing has to command such widespread popularity?
It stems from the fact that SPAs are the right fit for dynamic platforms that work with a limited amount of data. Hence SPA development is ideal for mobile-responsive websites and mobile applications. In fact, SPAs are the perfect solutions for mobile applications and mobile-friendly websites.
Market Research Statistics of SPAs and Why SPA Development is The Mantra of The Future?

The growth momentum of the SPA development market has a staggering CAGR of 6.15%, with the entire industry encountering a windfall between the forecast period of 2021 to 2025 and reaching a USD 22.08 billion enterprises! Another surprising statistic is that the year-on-year growth rate for 2021 is 4.30%. You can conclude that the pandemic created a spurt in digitization and digital transformation, and that could be one of the drivers for the SPA development services.
But why not the others? Why are the other development services not enjoying such a massive growth spurt as the SPA market? The reason is simple- the user-friendliness it offers!
The Dramatic Popularity of SPAs in The Modern World:

With more than 53% of the population browsing the internet globally, be it social media or news channels, or blogging platforms, Single Page Applications enable them to scroll without encountering any glitches.
The way people used to browse the internet has changed considerably over the years. With the world wide web constantly evolving and presenting newer ways to interact with the data available from the internet and receive the relevant information, SPA development has completely changed the look and feel of the entire browsing experience. Before reading this article, you might have already used one platform that employs a Single Page Application or SPA in its operations. It could be Facebook, Twitter, or native applications from the Google suite like Gmail, Google Drive, Google Maps, etc.
Why would you find most funded startups, SMBs, and even large corporations intent on consolidating their online/digital presence and going online to ‘Hire a SPA developer’ based on his credentials? Let’s see why.
Several growth drivers of the SPA industry have been influencing its global popularity and widespread adoption amid disruptive technologies like AI, ML, IoT, etc.
- Superlative UI/UX
- Good visitor experience
- Superb loading speed with minimal latencies
- Zero or the most minimum page refresh.
Now that we know some of the user-friendly upsides of the SPAs let us dive deep into the technicalities.
How Do You Define a Single Page Application or SPAs?

A SPA development of the highest degree and implemented by the best developers would give rise to something that is quite comparable to an illusion. Why is it so?
While you are browsing a Single Page Application on your mobile device or your desktop, you might be under the impression of the pages changing continuously while it is just a single page that you are on at all times!
SPAs vs. One-Page Websites:
However, SPAs are not the same as One-page websites.
- In One-page websites, the content is static.
- On the other hand, in Single Page Applications, the content is constantly changing and refreshing, and older content is disappearing while being replaced with newer content. Hence, the illusion of changing pages appears.
- In the case of a SPA, the URL is also constantly changing. However, no new page has been loaded from the server.
- While you click on any element or component of a SPA, the URL is constantly changing, but there is no impression that the page is reloaded when clicking on the particular tab or segment.
According to Wikipedia, the definition of SPA is spot on! It says that a SPA is nothing but a website or a web application that interacts with the web browser. It happens when the SPA dynamically rewrites the current web page with the new data from the web server. It does not take the traditional route of the web browser loading new pages by default.
Hence, SPA development services have become quite a rage because of their popularity and the dynamic ability to renew and refresh data while giving you the comfort of staying on the same page.
Benefits of The Single Page Applications:

These days, most enterprises- whether funded or bootstrapped startups, SMBs, or even large corporations-are using Single Page Applications for various kinds of Enterprise solutions. An Enterprise Resource System software or an Enterprise Resource Planning solution refers to software that streamlines the operations of a business.
It does the same by constant integration of various facets of the industry operations. It is achieved through the continual influx and outgoing of information- particularly the interchange of information that occurs from multiple process areas and associated databases. With the help of an ERP solution or an enterprise application, a business can be streamlined to deliver more. While these solutions increase the various functionalities of the concerned enterprise, it can employ its core resources into developing and strengthening the ‘core vitals’ of the business- the functions that the business thrives on and those that create its USPs.
So, where do SPA development services come into action?
Usually having a structure and functionality that resembles a desktop application while running on a web browser and being applications with remote frontends, SPA applications have revolutionized the world of Enterprise application and ERP software. With state-of-the-art SPA development, you can create the most disruptive and technologically advanced enterprise applications and software that will go the extra mile to strengthen your organizational objectives and boost your revenue while allowing you to scale up simultaneously.
Multi-page application models are a passe’. Hence, the giants like Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Google Maps, etc., have turned to SPA development services to achieve their goals.
Of course, being an enterprise, if you want to Hire a SPA developer, you need to look at the visible upsides. Let’s bombard you with those upsides!
Separation of Concerns:
One of the most essential facets of using SPA development services is the separation of concerns that it grants. While the frontend communication is made possible and seamless with the help of RESTful APIs from the Server-side, parallel development of such components is constantly continuing without creating any form of dependency on each other.
No Latency Rising from Minimal Dependency:
Since the server-side and the frontend have zero dependencies, there is no latency in testing the frontend coding. While the data requirements are mocked up, you can do both singular/unit and integration testing efficiently. Thus, there is no scope for latency!
Using SPA development has its inherent benefits. Because of its edge of being effortlessly scalable, the server-side application is constantly fine-tuned and optimized. Thus, there is no need to deploy the entire application over and over again.
An Unending Set of Tools and Libraries:
Do you know why most developers prefer SPAs for all their application and website-building functions over mobile phones and desktops? The answer is simple. SPAs are the ideal applications for use in almost every form of web and mobile applications because of their innovative and rapidly expanding set of tools and libraries. With these tools and libraries, you have nearly everything at your disposal while you are trying to go for a bespoke SPA development service for an organization or an enterprise.
The USP of SPAs is their incredible user-friendliness. SPAs enable seamless navigation across websites and applications without any glitches.
Robust Backend:
SPA development services command robust backend operations. Hence, creating a mobile application from scratch becomes a cakewalk!
Data and Offline Accessibility:
Though SPAs run on web browsers, low bandwidth can never pose a problem for them. These applications can catch data seamlessly, offer offline accessibility and work on low bandwidth.
How to Create Single Page Applications?

Most developers employ JavaScript to create custom SPA or single-page applications. These SPA development services can be done by utilizing several forms of JavaScript libraries like:
- Vue JS
- Angular JS
- React.JS
- Express JS
Apart from these, you can even hire a SPA developer to make use of Quasar- an MT-licensed, open-source framework that enables the following development functions-
- SPAs
- PWAs
- Hybrid mobile applications
- Cross-platform mobile and desktop applications
- Native application development
- Custom browser extension development, etc.
Latest Technology We are never compromising on technology. Our team of developers, designers, and marketing professionals are always in sync with the latest technological offerings and add them to their arsenal. We ensure secure, lean, and agile solutions that fast-forward your business.
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